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Product reviews will be the opinion of the writer. Positive reviews are not guaranteed. Prior to sending any products for review, get our approval since we are selective to the type of products we will review on this site. If you send us a product for our review without getting our prior permission and we determine that it is not appropriate for our site, the product will not be returned.
We reserve the right to reject any request for advertising for any reason. It’s our site, and we get to decide what goes on it.
If you would like to learn more about hiring Karen Goodman for a social media or blogging campaign for your brand, visit Karen’s other website Future Expat.
Advertising Disclosure:
Arch City Homes has paid advertisements throughout the site.
All ads other than banner ads are identified as affiliate links, sponsors or ads. Affiliate links can be found in some posts, usually older articles, and are always relevant to the topic being discussed. FTC required disclosures will be included on all references to products where either free product or monetary compensation was provided.